Changing Of The Cars

First, a requiem for an old friend, then a welcoming for a new friend.

1991 Honda Civic DX Sedan
I bought this car 13 years ago in 1997. I was finishing my Computer And Information Science degree. I needed a way to get to the jobs I was getting ready to look for. I took out one last student loan and bought this car for about $6,000. The car came with 67,000 miles on it, no air conditioning, no air bags and no anti-lock breaks. It did have a 92 horsepower engine, manual locks, manual windows, an AM/FM radio, a cassette player, an ashtray and an electronic cigarette lighter that a decade later would become a makeshift jack for a then as of yet uninvented MP3 player. According to the Terra Pass C02 Footprint Calculator it got 22 mpg in the city, used 600 gallons of fuel a year for my routine and generated 11,738 pounds of C02 per year.

I had not had the use of a car since 1983. This car was the first car I ever owned. I did not need to ask anyone permission to use it. I did not need to call anyone and ask for a ride. It was mine and it changed my world. It opened up many opportunities for me. Places that were far away were now accessible and this car took me on many, many adventures. It will always have a place in my heart.

Alas, time claims all. At about 195,000 miles it was time for it to go. Enter my new friend.

2010 Honda Civic LX Sedan
I bought this car 10 days ago on Tuesday 2010 April 27. It came after much saving and much more research. Many features I have yet to learn about. Highlights include Honda’s new 140 horsepower VTech engine, a digital readout for my speed, a digital readout about the state of my oil viscosity, an indicator for the air in my tires, an indicator light for telling me if the person in my front seat is heavy enough to be there, safety features out the wazoo, a CD player, a true MP3 player jack, a jack for a mobile phone, air conditioning, a rear window defogger, all sorts of convenient places to store things, no lighter, no ashtray and a latch on the inside of my trunk should I ever find myself locked in there. According to the Terra Pass C02 Footprint Calculator it gets 25 mpg in the city, uses up 500 gallons of fuel per year for my routine and generates 9,782 pounds of C02 per year. Did I mention an incredibly smooth ride and power? Progress!

I’m looking forward into the future toward many new adventures

If you would like to seem more pictures of both cars check out the gallery 🙂 .

Thanks to Amy for the pictures!

Homemade Ginger Ale

This tutorial will teach you how to make ginger ale.

Doing so is ridiculously easy and cheap. It only contains grated ginger, lemon juice, sugar, yeast and water. THAT’S IT!. I spent about 4 min grating the 2 tablespoons of ginger needed, then I just loaded everything into the bottle and let it sit overnight.

Very tasty and off the grid taste.


  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon baker’s yeast
  • 2 tablespoons grated ginger
  • juice of 1 lemon


  1. Mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl.
  2. Put all of the ingredients into a 2 liter soda bottle.
  3. Fill the bottle with cold water, leaving the top inch of the bottle unfilled.
  4. Store the bottle in a warm place for 48 hours

Facebook == The New Blow Off ?

I’ve gotten more than a few free chuckles from reading Marc F.’s blog Diary of a Disillusioned Dater about his experiences as a single guy dating in New York City.

Marc F. writes well and he has a rapier wit for turning nasty dating experiences into hilarious stories.

So, have you ever been “FaceBooked” when trying to get a date?

If she was blowing him off why did she make sure that he had her last name, especially when he didn’t ask for it?

On the other hand, many people feel awkward when giving someone a polite brush off. They will say things that indicate a level of interest that they do not have.

What do you think?