Not being a parent

From Diary Of A Disillusioned Dater

But I knew back then, even as a young twenty-something dopey kid that arguing with someone about this subject was tantamount to arguing with someone about religion or politics. The person with whom you’re arguing really isn’t interested in your opinion – they just want you to believe in theirs.

That has to be one of the best quotes I read in a while.

In life you get big pay-offs for taking on tasks that demand big sacrifices. However, you have to really want that big pay off to make taking on the big tasks work. Raising children is one of those big commitments.

The double-think involved with people who call others “selfish” because they will not have children is mind blowing. What can be more selfish than asking someone who doesn’t want to the rewards of a large task to take that task on to satisfy you?

It is true, many people don’t want the responsibilities or the rewards of being a parent. That isn’t something bad. Apart from that argument there is a very real over population problem that is growing worse.

BTW, how many elderly people do you know that have their adult children keeping them company on a regular basis?

You may know a few, but it is from being the majority. Having kids to be taken care of when you are old is not the best strategy for that problem.