92 Year Old Has Done Yoga Her Whole Life

Porchon Lynch, became interested in yoga as a child when girls weren’t supposed to do it. She has been teaching yoga for 42 years and at 92 years of age is still teaching. Watching this video it is easy to forget she is 92. She still has all of her faculties and is even doing difficult yoga postures. Inspiring!

I’ve been seeing a lot of videos of 70 something weightlifting enthusiasts still going strong. I wrote that off as being a gift resulting from devoting yourself toward being a gym rat.   However, I remember from my own yoga practice that I could easily spend several hours a day doing yoga and that I could also hurt myself doing yoga. So, perhaps being a regular weightlifter isn’t anymore of an impingement upon a working person’s life than yoga.

Wow, still, 92 and being that functional, as well as still being able to do something physical she loves.  Inspiring!

Stop Using Cavemen as an Excuse for Your Fad Diet

Mock cave painting with cave men hunting a hamburger on a bun.

The ladies over at Jezebel said what I did in Cooked Meals For A Million Years?, but in a much more satisfying way:

Anthropologists have uncovered “unambiguous evidence” in South Africa that our Homo erectus grandpas were cooking their food as far back as one million years ago. Previous to this discovery, the earliest conclusive evidence of deliberate, human-controlled fires dated back only about 400,000 years. Now, I know what you’re thinking: How do I know it wasn’t just spontaneously-combusted bat guano?

Don’t worry, they covered that.

snip …

On principle, I 100% do not care what anyone else eats. But I do care about judgmental condescension shrouded in pseudo-science—the idea that certain behaviors are “healthier” or “more natural” because “that’s how the cavemen did it.” That’s some bullshit that you hear all the time, from raw- and/or paleo-foodists and those barefoot people and the strident anti-monogamists. And I really honestly don’t give a shit what any of those groups want to eat/wear/fuck, but can we just PLEASE leave the “cavemen” out of it?

Full article.

Cooked Meals For A Million Years?

A new study was published in the news citing evidence that Homo Erectus may have been using fire and cooking food as early as 1 million years ago.

That would mean people were eating cooked meals before people were people ( Homo Sapiens ).

Outside of scientific circles this may only be significant to raw foodists, many of whom justify eating only raw foods on the belief that it is the diet human beings evolved on and what we are adapted to.