
Every so often life gives you a good laugh just when you need one. Today is one such day.

A Chinese ( PRC ) friend of mine at work went to some big box store and bought a t-shirt on clearance. She wore it to work today for casual Friday.

She speaks excellent English, not a trace of “Engrish” . However, aside from work she doesn’t interact with Americans much. She has a small daughter at home to take care of. She doesn’t know the culture or the nuances of American slang very well.

She came into my office today to ask me if her t-shirt meant “a bad thing”. It was a white t-shirt with a cartoon of a baby cow with devil’s horns, a licentious facial expression and the text

“Little Miss Naughty”

across the chest.

I told my friend to close the door to my office.

Then I explained to her what the slang meaning of “naughty” in American English is. I did it with a straight face and offered to lend her a company shirt I still had in the package on my shelf. She was ten minutes away from going out to lunch. She had a look of horror on her face.

Once she was out of my office and back on her side of the floor I closed my office door before having the best laugh I’ve had all week.

Humor: New Debt Management System

How compulsion manifests in different people is interesting. I’m not the kind of person who can keep a bowl of candy on my desk. I would eat it all at once. Other people can do this, but they can’t walk around stores with a credit card in good standing without buying something. I frequently go shopping and decide not to buy anything at all.

This video is an oldie, but goodie. Its funny and it makes an excellent point we all need to hear about our compulsions. Complicated advice and new systems often aren’t what is needed. You just need to butch up and exert self control. Always has been part of better life and likely always will be.