Why vegans quit

Last summer when I was at Summerfest I heard a fascinating talk by Rae Sikora who spoke on why people quite being vegan ( or vegetarian ). Obviously, this is great to know, because if you know about these reasons you can do something about them:

  1. Lack of easy access to vegan foods
  2. Lack of a community of like minded people
  3. Losing touch with animal suffering

Wonderfully, the good people at Animal Voices Radio
( http://animalvoices.ca )
interviewed Rae Sikora and made recordings you can listen to at

“I Used to be a Vegetarian…”: An Interview with Rae Sikora

AR news on the web

There are some really wonderful news sites for animal rights news on the Internet and all have RSS feeds:

Dawn Watch Alerts Karen Dawn is a professional journalist. You can read her animal rights alerts on the web:
Dawn Watch

Is an announcement only google group ( email list ) where animal rights activists from all over send in animal rights related stories from all over. The information there is updated almost constantly and is very informative. You can read the archives on the web without subscribing:
AR-NEWS on the web

What is really cool is that all three of these venues have RSS URLs available. RSS, sometimes called “Really Simple Syndication” is a way to make the content of a web site come to you instead of you going to it.

This is a great boon for people who want to keep up with the content of many web sites as you can read all of that content in one place in a format of your choosing. For example, if it is your job to keep on animal rights news you can use the RSS feeds below to get all of this information delivered to you.

Instead of having to remember to click on the bookmarks of many web sites you can use an RSS reader to give you a list of “headlines” from all of the sites you are interested in.

Many web browsers and email software packages come with RSS readers.

Subway, not vegan

A recurring topic in various forums is if vegans can get something to eat at Subway. I emailed Subway about nutritional information( it isn’t on their site ) and I thought I would share the info. An excerpt from their email starts below the “==” line

In response to your question the Ingredients and nutritional information for the Gardenburger and VegiMax are as follows:


Mushrooms, brown rice, onions, rolled oats, part-skim mozzarella, cottage cheese curd, egg white, cheddar cheese, bulgar wheat, natural seasonings and spices, autolyzed yeast, sea salt, olive oil, tapioca starch, and vegetable gum.

Calories 390
Protein (g) 19
Carbohydrates (g) 66
Sugar 6
Fat (g) 7
Sat. Fat (g) 2.5
Cholesterol (mg) 5
Sodium (mg) 960
Dietary Fiber (g) 9

VegiMax is as follows:

The ingredients: Vegetables (mushroom, water chestnuts, onions, carrots,green and red bell peppers, black olives), textured vegetable protein (soy protein consentrate, wheat gluten), egg whites, cooked brown rice, rolled oats, corn oil, calcium caseinate, soy sauce (water, soybeans, saly=t,wheat) Contains 2% or less of the following: onion powder, cornstarch, salt, hydrolyzed corn, soy and wheat protein, sucrose, soy protein isolate,spices, garlic powder, dextrose, jalapeno pepper powder, celery extract.

Calories 390
Protein (g) 24
Carbohydrates (g) 56
Sugar 7
Fat (g) 8
Sat. Fat (g) 1.5
Cholesterol (mg) 10
Sodium (mg) 1030
Dietary Fiber (g) 7

The above values include wheat or white bread, a 3.0 oz patty, and all the standard vegetables. Cheese or other condiments are not included.

The above information is for a 6 inch sub which is a local product. However, the nutrient value may vary depending on the store’s manufacturer. Further nutritional information on our national products can be found on our web site at subway.com