
Woman smiling from a coregasm

In college I always heard rumors about women who could get an orgasm by working hard on the hip machine. The one where you sit down with your legs spread open then squeeze them together.

I never found it out if it was true, but whenever a woman used one of these machines you could see a number of college guys getting disturbed by it.

On a related note, “core-gasms”:

Q: I have an exercise question that is a little out of the ordinary. When I’m at the gym doing abdominal/core exercises, I can experience what I call a “core-gasm” (an orgasm). Is this unusual or do a lot of women experience this? I’m not complaining, rather I’m just trying to educate myself about this.

A: Apparently it is unusual, because the question gave pause to Dr. Irwin Goldstein, a prominent sex researcher.

But after thinking about it, he says there could be a couple of explanations that have nothing to do with a hot guy on the mat next to you.

For one, it’s possible that tight gym clothes are stimulating your clitoris as you crunch and crunch and crunch, “in the context of masturbation,” says Goldstein, who is director of sexual medicine at the Alvarado Hospital in San Diego.

But it may also be that “nerves are firing without her permission,” he says. It’s known that people can have orgasms in nonsexual settings, he notes. For instance, both men and women can have orgasms while asleep. And Goldstein is treating a woman who has been having spontaneous orgasms ever since injuring her tailbone.

A rush of feel-good chemicals that you may be enjoying after a good aerobic workout could be playing a role in this, too, he says.

But unless you’re bothered by these “core-gasms,” there doesn’t seem to be anything to worry about, he says. “Continue the exercise if you’re enjoying it.”

While exercise won’t feel quite so good to the rest of us, it can help boost one’s sex life in other ways, Goldstein tells me as he walks on his treadmill during a phone interview. “There is now substantial evidence that exercise is associated with the prevention of sexual problems.”

Exercise helps keep arteries in the sex organs healthy, preventing impotence and other issues, he explains.

This is a fun topic, but if you post a comment about it, please do so like a grown-up. No crude jokes, no baby talk. No offense. Thanks. The management đŸ™‚


The New York Times had an interesting  article about how reusing disposable plastic bottles can be bad for your health. Basically, crap comes out of the plastic and goes into your body.

Top points that the article made:

  1. Reusable beverage containers are friendly to both the environment and your health.
  2. Stainless steel and glass are your best choices
  3. If you are worried about breaking glass or losing expensive stainless steel containers Number 2 or Number 5 plastic containers are the next best alternative
  4. If you reuse any kind of plastic don’t put the containers in your dish washer and don’t use strong detergents to wash them. That will contribute to the plastic breaking down and putting crap into your body

Books & Money

I wrote an email to a friend describing two books about money I read towards the end of my education that I found rewarding to read and extremely useful.

They should not be the only two books people read about personal money management, but they make a great start for people who are just starting to think about their money in terms beyond only paying their bills.

Here are the books:

Get A Financial Life

This is a personal finance book written for people in the 20’s & 30′, as well as other people just starting out. It is non-stuffy. It does not read like a textbook, it is enjoyable to read, but nonetheless informative. I also discovered by looking it up that the authors put out a new edition since I last read it. You can read it in a weekend or two and the advice will literally bring you significant benefits.  It gets updated every few years so make sure you have the latest edition.

Your Money Or Your Life

This is a book about the “Voluntary Simplicity” movement and “down shifting”. You may not want to do many of the things listed in the book, most people do not. However, this is an incredibly valuable book to read because it makes you think about the deeper meaning of money, work, and how they relate to where you want to go in your life. It isn’t written by a hippy, but by someone who was a successful financial adviser in NYC who decided it was time to think about money beyond paying the bills and building investments as ends in themselves. The thoughts he suggests you contemplate can give you a powerful way to look at your life.

If anyone reads or has read either of these books let me know what you think. đŸ™‚