During a recent episode of Mad Men, the gritty realistic soap opera about Maidson Avenue advertising people in the early 1960s, one of the characters mentioned getting The Rolling Stones to perform a commercial for Heinz Baked Beans. They thought they had a chance, as The Rolling Stones had previously agreed to do a Rice Krispies commercial in the UK. It turns out that the Rolling Stones really did make a commercial for Rice Krispies. I’ve watched it several times. I have to admit, it is quite catchy :).
Star Trek & The Westboro Baptist Church
Hah hah hah.
Bill Maher, Overpopulation, Meat & Cars
In this *FUNNY* video Bill Maher’s “Overtime” Panel comments on the woman with 19 children claiming that overpopulation is a “lie”. Kudos to Bill Maher for pointing out that the issue isn’t about just space but that some of the issues are resources.