Real Paleolithics Ate Carbs?

picture of flat bread

This looks like it seriously disrupts the folklore of popular hunter-gatherer diets like the “Paleolithic Diet”. People have been eating breads, whole grains and other complex carbs for a lot longer than previously thought.

Starch grains found on 30,000-year-old grinding stones suggest that prehistoric man may have dined on an early form of flat bread, contrary to his popular image as primarily a meat-eater.

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To The Woman At Kinkos

To the woman at Kinkos, who stood on the outside of the doorway saying “excuse me” to herself in a dejected voice. It was rush hour, people were pissed, several people were moving through the lobby at once when the doors closed on them and quickly got pushed open before people walked through your personal space. It happened so quickly I don’t think any of us had time to think about you being offended. It wasn’t personal. Sorry.