Savage U of M

Dan Savage for Intiman by LaRae Lobdell |

When I see a headline about students at the University Of Maryland I usually cringe. I’m expecting to read about someone setting fires to power lines or someone going to the hospital as a result of an energy drink mixed with alcohol.

Well, this time time it looks like the students there did something right.

I found this part of Dan Savage’s sex advice column about his visit to the University amusing:

CONFIDENTIAL TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND: I was supposed to speak on your campus last Thursday night, but God had other plans. I was at the Cornerstone bar when the blizzard really started slamming and power lines started catching fire and all hell broke loose. The evening’s most distressing development: The bar had to stop serving once the power went out.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to coming back to your campus—the Savage Love Live event/shoot is being rescheduled and may take place this week—and when I return, I’d really like to meet the person responsible for some graffiti I spotted in the men’s room at the Cornerstone: “Don’t Raw Dog a Random.”

That has to be the most effective peer-to-peer safer-sex message I’ve ever read while taking a piss in Maryland. It did take me a second to work out exactly what it meant, as I’m old, so here’s a quick translation for other olds: “Don’t raw dog a random” means “For heaven’s sake, don’t engage in unprotected vaginal intercourse—don’t have sex without a condom—with a woman you’ve only just met, particularly if you met her in this drinking establishment. Bro.”

It’s not a fail-safe strategy for avoiding sexually transmitted infections—people can get very specific STIs from completely nonrandom sex partners—but the number of STIs could be cut dramatically if all male college students everywhere refrained from raw-dogging those lovely lady randoms and vice versa. (I realize that “random” is not gendered… but if you saw this bar, you would know that an exclusively heterosexual clientele can be safely assumed. A straight boy wrote that message, and he was addressing other straight boys, and “random” refers to female pickups, not male pickups.)

I want to add that I was particularly impressed by the use of the word “random” in place of, say, “bitch,” “slut,” “whore,” or any of the other sexist/hostile/demeaning terms that college-town-bathroom-stall-graffitiing types typically use in place of “woman,” “female,” or “young lady coed.” Well done, DIY safe-sex educator!

An American’s Guide To British News.

I enjoy reading Google News. For each news story there are links to different news sites around the world. The reader gets to see how other parts of the world see an event and possibly hear about events s/he would not otherwise.

The problem is that sometimes you don’t know how to evaluate a particular source’s take on an event. Being an American, I know to take anything Fox News states, beyond the weather, with a grain of salt. Google News has included some interesting news sources over the years as they have refined their algorithms. For instance, until Google News got its act together I enjoyed “news articles” from “Pizza Face” posting from the tech blog and the Russian news site “Pravda”.

Thanks to the good people of Vegan Fitness, I know have a guide to at least the British news sites.

In Britain, there are 3 distinct types of news sites/newspapers:

  1. Broadsheets
  2. Tabloids
  3. Hybrids

The broadsheets are the serious news sources, the tabloids are like our supermarket rags and the hybrids are tabloids that masquerade as broadsheets ( serious news sources ).   The tabloids are nicknamed “The Red Tops” for printing their titles in red.  I have been told that “The Daily Mail” actually supported Hitler.   The news sites/newspapers that are hybrids between broadsheets ( serious news ) and tabloids are felt to be dangerous by a number of the British.  The hybrids are written at a low reading level for people who want to be fed material for rants about how the British way of life is threatened by science, immigrants, gays and liberal political activists.   “The Daily Mail” is supposed to be a prime example of the hybrids.   The people who gave me this opinion felt that the BBC was straddling between being a broadsheet, while having some tabloid elements to it like celebrity news, etc.

Biased To The Left Biased To The Right
Broad Sheet The Guardian

The Observer

The Independent

The Times

The Daily Telegraph

Tabloid The Daily Mirror The Sun

The Daily Star

Hybrid The Daily Mail

To sum it up with a common joke from the British sitcom “Yes Minister“:

Hacker: Don’t tell me about the press. I know exactly who reads the papers: the Daily Mirror is read by people who think they run the country; The Guardian is read by people who think they ought to run the country; The Times is read by people who actually do run the country; the Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people who run the country; the Financial Times is read by people who own the country; The Morning Star is read by people who think the country ought to be run by another country; and The Daily Telegraph is read by people who think it is.

Sir Humphrey: Prime Minister, what about the people who read The Sun?

Bernard: Sun readers don’t care who runs the country, as long as she’s got big tits.

Faux Fur That Isn’t

In this video the story of how Urban Outfitters was selling real fur as faux fur is retold. Also this video demonstrates how Urban Outfitters lied when they denied selling these products. The person in the video demonstrates on how to identify real fur — with an Urban Outfitter coat.

In my humble opinion, people who care about animals might be better off on getting away from clothing that imitates animal products altogether. By using such products *some* people are likely to get the message that clothing that looks like that is “cool” which will encourage the sale of faux-faux animal clothing as well as real animal product based clothing.