Facebook == The New Blow Off ?

I’ve gotten more than a few free chuckles from reading Marc F.’s blog Diary of a Disillusioned Dater about his experiences as a single guy dating in New York City.

Marc F. writes well and he has a rapier wit for turning nasty dating experiences into hilarious stories.

So, have you ever been “FaceBooked” when trying to get a date?

If she was blowing him off why did she make sure that he had her last name, especially when he didn’t ask for it?

On the other hand, many people feel awkward when giving someone a polite brush off. They will say things that indicate a level of interest that they do not have.

What do you think?

To The Red Cross

My email to the American Red Cross

I’ve been a regular blood donor for about a year.

The Red Cross mailed me a coupon for a free appetizer at “Joe’s Crab Shack” to thank me for volunteering.

My motivation for volunteering is to give back and do something good.

That same motivation also drives me to avoid causing unnecessary suffering to animals and to avoid unnecessary damage to the environment which will hurt the human community. The same community I give my blood to.

The environmental damage is particularly to pertinent to Maryland where over harvesting crabs has done a lot of damage to our environment.

I don’t eat animal products and I try to avoid using non-edible animal products whenever possible.

A card would have made me feel just as appreciated.

Without offending anyone, can I suggest that the Red Cross put thought into more socially responsible appreciation gifts?

I think giving away reusable bags as the Red Cross did was a great example. How about adding reusable, non-plastic, water bottles to that repertoire?

Yours sincerely

The Story Of Bottled Water

More expensive per gallon than gas, bottled water production uses up enough oil to fill up 1 million cars a year. ironically, one third of bottled water in the United States is just filtered tap water. Bottled water typically loses to tap water in purity tests and bottled water loses to tap water in blind taste tests. The best example is Fiji water losing a blind taste test and Fiji water losing a purity test against the tap water of Cleveland.