The Swine Flu is caused by pork producers

This letter to the editor was posted on

vegetarian diet would help curb disease

To the Editor:

We face a global outbreak of swine flu, and our own food choices are at the root of
the problem.

More than 100 people in Mexico have died from the H1N1 swine flu virus, and health officials have confirmed cases in the United State and several other countries.

As a physician, I think it’s critical to address the underlying cause of this global threat. Like human flu, swine flu spreads through close contact. On massive pig farms, overcrowding and poor sanitary conditions create the perfect reservoir for viruses and other diseases to incubate and replicate. Once a pathogen emerges, it is spread by farm workers and the transport of livestock. As the swine flu virus mutates and begins spreading easily among humans, we face the possibility of a deadly pandemic.

There would be no swine flu epidemic without pig farms. Americans now consume more than 200 pounds of meat a year, including a significant amount of pork. A collective shift to a vegetarian diet could help eliminate the farms that breed infectious disease. Meatless meals would also dramatically decrease obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

Neal Barnard, M.D., president
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Washington, D.C.

Star Trek 2009

I know any decent editor can take the worst movie and splice together a fantastic trailer. If the new Star Trek movie is half as dramatic as the trailer, I’m there! I loved the scene where the young Kirk unofficially takes the Captain’s seat in a crisis. The scene seemed to be right out of Camelot. King Arthur pulling Excalibur out of the stone. The movie opens Friday 2009 May 08

Why He Didn’t Call You Back

Rachel Greenwald is a Harvard MBA who became a dating coach. Greenwald decided to study why some men didn’t call some of her clients back for second dates. Greenwald decided to take a page out of the human resources playbook and began conducting “exit interviews with these men with the permission of her clients.

Surprisingly, these men were open to being honest in response to an unsolicited phone call asking them about their private lives. Greenwald ended up interviewing over one thousand men . According to Greenwald, about 90% of the time her clients guessed incorrectly as to why these men weren’t interested.

After seeing some patterns emerge, Greenwald compiled the top ten reasons she found among her 1000 interviews. Greenwald was surprised that many of these deal breakers were easily fixed things.