One thing I love about cats is that they have personality and attitude. People often think cats lack the intelligence or range of emotions that other animals have. Cats simply have no care to impress others. It is beneath their dignity. However, when the time is right they will display an interesting range of emotions, intelligence and memory. Especially when they want something!
Stimulus and Response
Quote of the day:
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
– Viktor E. Frankl
Kudos To WordPress
WordPress makes blog software in addition to providing a free blogging service like blogspot. I pay for my own host for My host uses wordpress software. I recently got a note that it was time to upgrade.
Upgrading for ordinary people is like Christmas morning. Promises of all sorts of goodies. For people in the IT field upgrading is more like “The Shining”. Upgrading often means lost data, broken features, and a plethora of hassles.
I backed up my entire domain to my hard drive, documented all of my customizations and I made an upgrade plan.
I didn’t need any of it. The upgrade took 5 minutes and everything worked fine out of the box. Not one hassle.
My hat is off to the good people at WordPress.