Banned Books Week 2024

This year read a banned book week falls on:
Sunday 2024 September 22 – Saturday 2024 September 28

Every year for the past 38 years the American Library Association sponsors Banned Books Week: The Freedom To Read

Banned Books Week is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. Typically held during the last week of September, it highlights the value of free and open access to information. Banned Books Week brings together the entire book community –- librarians, booksellers, publishers, journalists, teachers, and readers of all types –- in shared support of the freedom to seek and to express ideas, even those some consider unorthodox or unpopular.

By focusing on efforts across the country to remove or restrict access to books, Banned Books Week draws national attention to the harms of censorship.

The American Library Association maintains a list of the 100 most frequently challenged books by decade for your reading pleasure.

There is even a web site and a domain dedicated to Banned Books Week called

Lastly here is a list of the Top 13 Most Challenged Books of 2023:

All freedom and all progress is ultimately rooted in the free flow of ideas.

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7 thoughts on “Banned Books Week 2024”

  1. i remember my dad used to always get the banned books… & the banned children’s books as well for us to read. i never got why they were really so “horrible” they had to be banned… just a bunch of uber-sensitive people getting offended at things they shouldn’t.

  2. I think the context of the times matters, but even some things from their “challenged” ( books people are *currently* trying to ban ) list don’t seem to be that disturbing.

  3. I can tell you that the ALA’s Top 10 List is faked, having books on it that were promoted up the ladder by the ALA just for political reasons. I learned this from one of the authors of one of the listed books who said the ALA told her others books were challenged more than hers but hers dealt with an important issue and was actually removed from a school.

    See also:

    “Banned Books Week Propaganda Exposed by Progressive Librarian Rory Litwin; ALA Censors Out Criticism of Its Own Actions in a Manner Dishonest to the Core”

  4. Hi Dan;

    It is nice to see you again. You originally posted a similar comment on my blog two years ago when I posted about Banned Books Week. Then, as now, you found my post and added a comment within hours. I know Google has an RSS feed for news items. Is there something similar for the blogosphere that you subscribe to? I wouldn’t mind having a tool like that myself. Is there such a tool or are you paid by your organization to regularly monitor the internet for references to Banned Books Week?

  5. Thanks. This time my comment includes a progressive librarian saying BBW is propaganda, and shows the ALA intentionally misquoting him to change what people think he said into something he didn’t say. Sort of like using propaganda to hide the use of propaganda.

    As to my search, yes, I use Google, for searching blogs, and I search for “Banned Books Week.”

    Alas, no one pays me. As I promoted the work of a progressive librarian, I suppose it’s okay by me if you want to believe the Progressive Librarians Guild is paying me. Personally, I’d like to join the Progresso Librarians Guild. Yum!

    Anyway, shall we meet again next year?

  6. No, these books haven’t been banned… this is to keep people from trying to destroy art for other people because of swearing, homosexuality, or anything… and this promotes these often popular books because ALA believes this is wrong.

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