Slate: Vegans & Honey

The Great Vegan Honey DebateIs honey the dairy of the insect world?
By Daniel Engber
Posted Wednesday, July 30, 2008, at 2:20 PM ET

snip …

The flexitarian ethic is beginning to creep into the most ardent sector of the meat-free population: the vegans. In recent years, some in the community have begun to loosen up the strict definitions and bright-line rules that once defined the movement. You’ll never find a self-respecting vegan downing a glass of milk or munching on a slice of buttered toast. But the modern adherent may be a little more accommodating when it comes to the dairy of the insect world: He may have relaxed his principles enough to enjoy a spoonful of honey


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Vegan Hot Dog Eating Contest

Compassion Over Killing teamed up with Sticky Fingers Bakery this past weekend to honor National Veggie Hot Dog Month, which also happens to coincide with the industry declared National Hot Dog Month by holding their own vegan ( tofurkey ) hot dog eating contest.

I was a judge in the contest and I thought the event was a great success.

There were 38 contestants and 9 judges. The contest was held outside on the public plaza on the corner of 14th & Park in Washington D.C. about ten steps from Sticky Fingers Bakery. It was a beautiful day out. Bright and sunny. A huge fun loving crowd came. Many locals passing by stopped to see what it was all about and stayed to watch. Many of them left with vegetarian ( vegan ) starter guides. Everybody had fun. All in all a day well spent.

Kudos to Compassion Over Killing for organizing the event, and to Turtle Island Foods for donating all of those tofurkey dogs. Kudos to Sticky Fingers Bakery( vegan ) for cooking those many, many tofurkey dogs — all while doing their normal BUSY, business.

Pictured above are the first, second and third place winners.