Quit Milk, Survive Cancer

The No Dairy Breast Cancer Prevention Program

The leading cause of death for women between 25 – 75 years of age is cancer. The type of cancer that kills the most women is breast cancer. About 1 out of 10 women will contract breast cancer.

That is a large number of wives, girlfriends, mothers, sisters, friends and coworkers who will be lost to people.

One of these victims was almost Dr. Jane Plant, the first female head of the British Geological Survey and one of the first women hired by the British Geological Survey as a scientist.

Floored by a diagnosis of breast cancer, Dr. Plant decided to respond with what she knew best: science. Part of what the British Geological Survey does is to analyze the relationship between diseases and geographic areas to find links between the disease and what is going on with the land.

Dr. Plant knew from her work that Asians of the far east do not get breast or prostate cancer as often as westerners do. It has been noticed that until recent times Asians tended not to consume milk.

Still having a growing breast cancer tumor threatening her life after having had a mastectomy, several other surgeries, several radiation treatments and chemotherapy Dr. Plant decided to remove all dairy products from her diet.

The tumor began measurably shrinking after a few days and the cancer disappeared from her body not to return.

This story sounds like a fairly typical anecdotal account. What makes this book atypical is that being a breast cancer survivor who is also a scientist Dr. Plant’s book has ample citations from well respected sources to support her beliefs.

Dr. Plant’s strongest argument is that cows and human beings share a hormone in common: Insulin Like Growth Factor 1 ( ILGF-1). This hormone is identical in structure in both cows and humans. Cancer is basically cellular reproduction running amok and ILGF-1 stimulates cellular growth. Higher levels of this hormone in the blood stream have been associated with increased breast and prostate cancer activity. Dairy cows have been systematically bred for centuries to produce more milk, which means that their bodies also produce more ILGF-1, which finds its way into milk. Contemporary dairy production in the US also involves feeding cows a cocktail of various hormones to increase milk production.

The dairy industry has always maintained ILGF-1 in milk is not a problem because ILGF-1 doesn’t survive the human digestion process. In her book Dr. Plant quotes two contemporary studies that show that it is likely ILGF-1 does survive digestion intact and does make it into the human blood stream.

Dairy products and to a lesser extent meat are the dominant sources of ILGF-1 in the diet of most westerners.

Dr. Plant also presents citations for many studies that show possible relationships between cancer and milk. Most of them having little to do with milk fat. Dr. Plant took personal interest in this observation. Like many women she had always made it a point to eat low fat dairy products to avoid potential health issues.

Dr. Plant also gives a fascinating description of how she thinks science works and where she thinks the philosophy of contemporary cancer research has gone astray in terms of good science and has deprived people of freedom from breast cancer.

This book is not dry and maintains the tone of a personal story while being clear without sacrificing rigor with the facts.

The book also gives her personal account of what she went through emotionally and psychologically while she was being treated for cancer.

It has many useful tips for someone else who might be going through the same ordeal. For example, she is convinced that had she known about philosophical differences in the medical culture she could have delayed if not avoided her mastectomy.

Neither a vegetarian or a vegan Dr. Plant concludes her book with a dietary regime for reducing breast ( & prostate) cancer risk. It calls for a vegan diet dominated by organic produce for people who have cancer and as near vegan a diet as people are willing to tolerate to prevent breast ( & prostate) caner.

I found this book to be enjoyable as well as personally empowering. The book has a warm, personal tone. It also plays out like a fascinating detective story of science while giving the reader a lot of information to take charge of their health.

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7 thoughts on “Quit Milk, Survive Cancer”

  1. lYou have a lot to learn about nutrition considering you currently have it ass backwards. If milk was so bad for you, why do the masai of Africa have basically no cancer despite eating an all meat and milk diet? It wasn’t until they were introduced to carbohydrates that they started getting all modern diseases that people get today. If you want to really learn how to prevent cancer, try reading “Good Calories, Bad Calories” by Gary Taubes.

  2. Hi Hammer;

    I never claimed to be an expert in nutrition. I wrote a book review.

    I don’t know who Gary Taubes is, nor do I know what his educational or research credentials are.

    As I mentioned in my book review above I am aware of Dr. Plant’s impressive educational and research credentials. Having read her book I was impressed by the sheer number of citations to scientific literature which she used to make her case.

    From my perspective, not having read Taube’s book and having only your 4 line account of an African tribe, Dr. Plant’s credentials, Dr. Plants arguments and Dr. Plants references seem a lot more substantial.

    Thanks for taking the time out to post a comment.

    Have a good weekend.

  3. hammer, i think it’s worthwhile knowing that unlike non-milk drinking tribes of Africa, the Masai have higher incidences of diseases caused by dairy. they also have a significantly shorter lifespan, and a higher infant mortalitly rate.
    also “the supply of iron, niacin, vitamin C, vitamin A, thiamine and energy are never fully met”- most Masai nowadays have started eating grain to get the nutrition they need

  4. @wilson Maybe you should read the book, as it is incredibly thoroughly researched and the results of nutrition studies are remarkably consistent despite what the modern day medical community thinks.

    @dag The Masai in Africa were actually quite free from disease prior to the introduction of agriculture. It wasn’t until they started eating the things that come from the ground that they started experiencing disease issues. See that research here: http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2008/06/masai-and-atherosclerosis.html

  5. Hammer;

    My name isn’t wilson.

    I think I will pass on reading the book you are enthused about.

    I’ve been reading up on nutrition as a hobbyist for about 30 years.

    That doesn’t make me an expert, but I have seen points of view similar to yours come and go, again and again over the decades.

    I’ve seen it debunked many times over.

    Life is too short and there are too many good books of quality to read.

    I recommend you try “The China Study” and “Eating Animals”

    No personal offense meant whatsoever.

  6. umm, hammer, you seem to ignore the fact that a diet of only meat and dairy *will* be void of a lot of very important nutrients. i’m not going to debate this based on a blog post- show me at least several peer-reviewed journal studies (instead of a blog based on one (quite) old study; it’s fairly common for old studies to be overturned/ for new factors to turn up; additionally, that blog does not at all prove that the masaai were disease proof, as it only addresses atherosclerosis)

    and as you mention “nutritional research being consistent”, there’s probably a reason that the current consensus from nutritional experts is no where near that of a milk and meat diet;rather, it’s been that many diseases are linked to eating flesh and dairy.

  7. *sigh* @ the denial of the blatent health risks associated with dairy consumption by hammer.

    In all places where dairy is not prevalent in the diet, the health risks associated with dairy are lowered. I.e. Japan, China, etc do not eat dairy as much as western nations do. Also, it’s obvious milk isn’t good for us. It’s intended for a being much bigger and stronger than us. The amount of calcium in milk is set for the growth of a calf, not a human.

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