Applied Math

I was reading a nutrition forum where I found a post by a guy who figured out an easy way to tell if a packaged food is high fat or low fat. This method is so easy, you can do the math in your head.

A food is considered “high fat” if more than 20% of its calories come from fat.

A food is considered “low fat” if less than 20% of its calories come from fat.

So, here is this cool, do-the-math-in-your-head method for figuring out if a food is high or low fat:

1. Multiply the calories from fat by 5
2. Compare the result from #1 to the Total Calories.

If the result from #1 is more than the Total Calories, the food is high fat.

If the result from #1 is less than the Total Calories, you have a low fat food.

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3 thoughts on “Applied Math”

  1. What is really stunning about that simplicity is that is that other people have not see it, it seems so “right there”. I mean if the nutritionists are always talking about “part of the calories” and 20% is one fifth, then why not ask yourself what happens when you make this “one fifth” whole, does it match up with the “other whole”.

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